Sunday, April 24, 2011

Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Hi all,

I'm looking for suggestions on a notebook cooler.
Some of the features I'm looking for are:

1) As thin as possible
2) Ventilation ports on the side (not underneath other wise they would be blocked sitting on my lap)
3) Quiet and Lightweight
4) Small, my notebook is only about 30cm wide by 22cm something that fits it snugly.
5) Shippable to Canada

A USB hub would be nice but hardly necessary.

The closest one I'm looking at this is:

But I'm a tad put off the negative comments. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know!


Reply 1 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Tronman I think youre on the right track here. The product youve got listed there looks pretty good, but the negative comments are a bit cautioning.

Personally, that USB hub inclusion would be great as I can never seem to stop finding things that require a USB hub.

Id just keep an eye out on New Egg or at Frys if youve got one near and go with your gut.

Windows Outreach Team

Reply 2 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Hi RonS,

Thanks for you reply. I've already ordered a Vantec LapCool 3 for myself:

It seems to have all the features I want (minus the USB hub, but I have another small hub anyway) and the reviews are fantastic ( Just waiting for it to arrive!


Reply 3 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Awesome! Make sure to post your thoughts about it in here after you get it. Im actually in the market for a new cooling pad as well.

Windows Outreach Team

Reply 4 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Don't know if this fits your bill, but I have used one of these and they work great.

Reply 5 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

Hey, thanks for the suggestion, but I rejected that one before because of the other side of the fan on the I wanted something flat to be comfortable on my lap happy

Thanks again.

Reply 6 : Suggestions on a laptop cooler

the best cooling thats inexpensive is take your laptop apart and blow it out just doing that i reduced my temps by 15c and a good laptop cooler

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