Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monitor issue

I have Dimension 4550 and a about a week ago I thought it dropped dead. One minute it was working perfectly, walked out of the room, came back and everything was off. Did the whole routine of shutting everything down and back up. This went on for a few hours then decided to unhook everything and switch out monitors. No help. I was just about to give it...as it's older than I'd like. I pushed the computer back to where it should be and it moved the cord that comes from the monitor to the computer and everything came on. I left it alone for the next day or two then powered it down and hoped for the best. Booted up and all was well until my grandson arrived with instructions not to go near it. He didn't listen moved the cord and down it went again. So I shut everything off and was checking connections again and from what I can gather where the monitor is connected to the computer it seems to be lose. The screws tighten as they should but there's movement in the connector...hope I'm explaining that right. And any time movement shuts down the entire system.

Is there anyway that can be tightened without taking it in for repairs? I've done some work on this pc with the help of people on here. Thanks in advance.

Reply 1 : Monitor issue

While my advice is well meaning, you have to assume all risks.

It sounds to me there is something loose. Are you able to pull the machine out, remove the case cover to gently push all the cards "home"?

This may be a good time to pull out the video card and closely inspect the nuts and bolts that the cables screw into. Sometimes I find them backed out. I'll unscrew them to put a drop of glue on the threads and then screw them back in. The glue will help keep them from backing out. Here I rarely use more than one drop of glue.

Now would be a good time to clean the machine. Watch how at http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-11319_7-6240575-1.html?tag=rb_mtx;wp_body


Reply 2 : Monitor issue

Your advice has never failed me yet...I think so far you have replied to every question I have posted.

What do I have to lose? Right now the machine is sitting out with the cord propped up against my desk...not the idea situation but it works.

I'll do as you suggested and watch the video.

Thanks for your advice and I'll let you know what happens when I'm done.


Reply 3 : Monitor issue


You are a genius...and once again I am in your debt. Followed your advice which was simple and took much less time than I thought. Hoping for the best, I put everything back together, put the computer back where I wanted it to be and booted it up. Perfection! It is running cool, quite and the monitor has not shut down the computer as it did before.

The video card was lose, actually the bar that snaps all the cards together was unhooked so that I think was the issue. How it got unsnapped I have no clue.

I usually do keep the inside as clean as possible, as I live in a very old dusty place. But I do have a question that dawned on me after watching the video, not sure why I didn't think of it sooner. I usually do use the air to blow out the dust in the fans but in this Dell model it swings open,http://reviews.cnet.com/desktops/dell-dimension-4550-pentium/4505-3118_7-20478986.html, so access to those fans are not as easy. They are encased as you can see in the image and the only access is to remove the metal plate from the back of the computer, as far as I can see. I peaked inside with a flashlight and there's more dust in there than I'd like to see despite my best attempts to keep it clean. The metal plate is held on by two screws but I really didn't want to mess with that without some advice if that is something that "I" should be doing.

Once again, thanks for your great advice.

Reply 4 : Monitor issue

1. Don't fix what works.
2. We can always make it better.

Let's take the middle road. It sounds as if everything is back to normal. But if I was faced with a machine I was unfamiliar with its assembly I would consider using the CANNED AIR with that little plastic air tube it comes with to give the access vents short blasts and then, call it done.

Glad you found the loose parts and were able to fix it.

Reply 5 : Monitor issue

Well as I stated your advice has never failed me yet.

So the middle road I shall take. Why chance breaking something that is now working.

I've used the canned air in the assembly since I've owned the computer so will continue to do so. Didn't expect that amount of dust from something that I've kept clean.

Again, thanks so much. Have a great week.


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