Thursday, March 17, 2011

White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

It started with one, and now there are over 50 white dots on my DLP that was manufactured in April 2007. I called Samsung and they issued me a claim number. A few days later I received a call and they said that my model was not identified as one of the ones with the issue and I would basically have to pay for the repair myself (almost 1/2 the original cost of purchase).

What a disappointment with the Samsung product. I thought I would have a quality product for years after paying over $1,200 for a DLP Samsung TV, but it looks like all the DLP's in the Samsung line have the same issue after two to three years of service. Heck, my 13 inch $100 RCA has been in service for 10 years with out an issue.

Shame on you Samsung for not standing behind your name and fixing this obvious issue with all your DLP TV's. A company that doesn't admit that they have manufactured an inferior product, and takes corrective action to restore their name and the public's trust in their name/product, is not a company that I would ever do business with again. And I suspect that many of us experiencing Samsung's blatant disregard of the obvious truth will do the same.

It would be interesting to see if anyone high up from Samsung (are you listening Mr CEO) ever see's this post. As a company they need to restore the public's trust in the Samsung name and correct this issue with the owners of any and all DLP TV's.

I am totally disappointed and dissatisfied with Samsung and the product. And I will do my best to make sure every future potential consumer of a Samsung product that I come in contact with hears the deplorable truth of how Samsung has ignored this issue with all of the owner's of its DLP TV's.

Reply 1 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I have the same problem with my TV and have been searching the internet on how to fix it! My TV just started with this infection of white spots and I was hoping to find a way to fix it. This is very disappointing,finding out that a name brand like Samsung would put a product out with such a defect. Even if the rest of the TV is functioning,the screen is a very important component to a television and without one it's worthless!

Reply 2 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

StevenC296 and ron_e81,

Would you please post your transaction numbers from the call to service? If not, try again and if not, see if you can get a transaction number. While I can't authorize service, I'd like to have your case reviewed to see if there's something that can be done.


Reply 3 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I called call 1-800 SAMSUNG and spoke with a customer service rep. and her response was that my model was not on the list to be fixed for free. She asked me if I would like to pay for the repairs and I said yes, only if it wasn't to expensive to fix. Once I was transferred, the lady there was much more helpful and she said if the DMD chip (the cause for the white dots) was the problem its covered for a one time free of charge repair. I was able to make an appointment and a local TV repair technician changed my chip and my TV works fine now. However, my TV needed a chip with a larger window and I had to wait an extra day for my TV to be fixed. If its the wrong chip, the TV wont go full screen. Make sure the technician checks the new chip with the old chip to ensure the correct replacement. I guess you just have to speak with the right person? I hope this helps others. GO Raiders!

Reply 4 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Thanks for posting back.

I do apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm glad to hear the issue was resolved.


Reply 5 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Do you mind sharing what the cost was for that repair? Mine 1 white dot on my samsung hlt5076sx/xaa has just multiplied to 4 and I fear the worst is coming.

Reply 6 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Samsung repaired mine today for free.
It started with a couple dots then the whole
screen was white dots. Samsung sent a repairman out
and he put a new board in. Everything is ok The board
is about 1 inch *1 inch *1 inch. He said if I had to buy it
the cost would be $200.00 Good Luck.

Reply 7 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

My claim number back in 8/29/2010 was 3000618604. The TV now has well over 200 white dots on it. Back in August I im'ed with Victor K via Samsung Chat. At this point the TV is sitting idle because it it no longer enjoyable to watch anything on it.

Reply 8 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I have sent that up this morning to see if I can have your case reviewed.


Reply 9 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I called your customer support line yesterday and long story short they has scheduled someone to come out and fix it with out a cost to me.

Samsung is restoring my faith.

Reply 10 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Transaction # 2012954887

Im having the same white dots appearing on the left hand side of the screen. Started with one dot, now there are 4 dots.

Samsung support says it not a known issue and will not be repaired without cost. This is the second Samsung DLP TV that I have had start failing in the past 5 years. The first one had a line in the display... now dots. Im ready to give up on SAMSUNG TVs.


Reply 11 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

My HLT5676 began developing dots just like everyone else on this thread. Using the advice given by HDTech in the "Green Light" note, I called 800-SAMSUNG. First try the rep said my set wasn't covered; I got a transaction # and asked for a supervisor and was disconnected after a few minutes. As the Green Light note recommended, I called back to another rep who acknowledged that my set WAS covered! This rep set me up with a company called Complete Electronics. It took a week for Complete Electronics (Houston Area) to get the TI chip replacement and they came out and replaced it in about 30 minutes.

No more white dots!

Thanks HD Tech, thanks Samsung! I actually think this is something the company did not HAVE to do, but they did step up to the plate. I'm once again very pleased with my set.


Reply 12 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I also have about 16 white dots now, after seeing the first one about two weeks ago. I have called samsung but my model# is not on the list for free repair. To go out and spend $1700 on a tv thats lasts 3-4 years isn't cool.

Reply 13 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Too All with white dot problems

Today my problem was fixed.They set the appt. time 1-3pm. Tech called,said he was finished with his last appt. and could he come early. Arrived at 1230 and was gone by 1:15. Picture looks like new. Very satisfied.From the time I called Jan 30th to report my problem, fixed feb 7th. Samsung is alright in my book!

Reply 14 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Good Day,

I have this exact same issue started last week 1 dot then ....15 or now adding by the day all channels/sources. After reading this thread and many others. I called 1-800 and told I would have to pay to fix??
This looks and sound like same thing I really wish they would fix an obvious design flaw. This is not a $300 TV and to boot just replaced the bulb 3 mths ago.


Reply 15 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I'm sorry to hear that you're having this issue with your TV.

I've sent this over to service to have someone review your case - thanks for posting your number.


Reply 16 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Any Update on Customer Care ?

Reply 17 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Thanks HDTech !!!!

Executive Customer Server called today and setup a repair !!
They are coming to our home to repair.
Very thankful as we would have not been able to afford to repair.

I still have my first TV, a black and white over 40 years old.
It still works and in my Den, still enjoy it watch football.

Thanks Samsung for standing behind yours, (after a little nudge)

Reply 18 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

White Dots be gone !
Tech came today and replaced chip all Dots gone.
Then he did mention it sounded like Color Wheel was OTW out.

But hey for now I got by boob tube back,

Thanks HD Tech and Samsung !!

Reply 19 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I have the same issue. Started with 1 dot several weeks ago and now have 5 dots and multiplying on all channels/sources. I called the 800 number and was told that my number was not on the recall list was told I would have to pay to fix.

Case# 2012936872

Reply 20 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Samsung agreed to fix the problem. Technician came on Monday and put new component in and problem was solved. I believe the service company convinced Samsung to pay for the fix.

Reply 21 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


The info on this forum really helped. After 31 minutes on the phone with 1-800-SAMSUNG, I have a resolution I am OK with (not great, not OK).

When I spoke to the first line of customer service, they said the same thing most of you are saying--not covered, they will schedule you with a technician but you have to pay. However, they were very well aware of the issue--so much that the customer care rep was practically completing my sentences.

I then told them that I was following this issue on CNET and that others have reported having this issue fixed by Samsung for free. I also said I don't think it's fair that some TV's are covered while others aren't and I should get that info upfront when I purchase.

That got me elevated to the next tier of customer support called "Executive Customer Relations". The resolution they gave me is that I will still need to cover the technician's visit and SAMSUNG will cover the DMD chip (if that is the culprit).

Overall, both levels of customer support were very nice and a praise SAMSUNG for that. My cost is a 30 min phone call (a little long if you ask me), having to say the right things to get past level 1 customer care (which I think is insurance companies denying your claim the first time to see if you will pay it yourself) and the technician's service fee.

Hopefully the repair goes well. Good luck to the rest of you with multiplying white dots.

Reply 22 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

After contacting "Executive Customer Relations" on December 24, 2010 and speaking to Linda, they agreed to repair my Samsung television if there was a white dot problem. Otherwise I would be required to cover the cost of the repair. I sent her pictures of my white dot and she agreed it was the white dot problem but did not say the problem was covered by Samsung. In our conservation I was given the address of the repair company which was just a short distance from our home in Marietta, GA. I went to the address and found that it was a mail box at a UPS store. She sent me a repair number and I was contacted by Lakes Electronics from in Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954-749-8406) while traveling on Interstate 81 to Pennsylvania. The caller told me there would be a service charge of $79 if the chip they replaced did not fix the white dot problem. It appears I would be charged this fee because their repair person would make the decision as to what caused the white dot problem. If I do not agree to pay the fee they will not send a repair person to install the chip that causes the white dot problem. Paying the fee will not necessarily repair the white dot problem.

After returning from Pennsylvania, I contacted "Executive Customer Relations" and explained the situation and asked for a local repair service but was told there is no other and was given another repair number. Lakes called shortly to tell me they were out of the needed part but would call back when they had it. I received a call while on my way to California and was asked if the TV could be repaired on the next day. Since I would to be in California for a sometime, I asked for a repair date towards the middle of February. I was told that this was not possible and that I would need to contact "Executive Customer Relations" again for another repair number.

After returning from California, I contacted "Executive Customer Relations" and was given another repair ticket number. Today, February 18, 2011, in a conversation with Tiffany at Lakes Electronics I was again told there would be a fee of $79 if they determined the chip was not causing the white dot problem. I refused to agree to pay for a service charge for a repair setup by Samsung for the white dot problem. I was told that I would need to contact the "Executive Customer Relations" again for another repair number.

I called Samsung at (800) 522-7341 Ext.10554 again and received the message that they would call me at their earliest convince. It is nice that Samsung agrees to repair the White Dot Problem but the method is unacceptable.

Reply 23 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Take the 79 dollar gamble. While you can do what you want, it's a good offer considering the alternatives.

Reply 24 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I'm sorry to hear that you're having a problem getting a repair set up. In some cases, customers have noted either on the telephone or even here in the forums that they intend to attempt getting the television repaired under the white dot issue for other issues. Since the service center would not get reimbursed for a different repair than one that is authorized, they sometimes tell customers up front that there may be a trip charge so that those attempting to get the free repair would be dissuaded.

While I can't speak to any specific service related issue, I do know that this is sometimes the case, and is meant to protect the time and efforts of the repair company. That said, I would recommend contacting Samsung directly to make sure that this would qualify for a covered repair. If you do get charged, please post back and let me know, and I'll be happy to escalate it to the appropriate department.


Reply 25 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I just found this tread. Is it any chance you might help me? I would REALLY appreciate it!
I have the same problem as an OP. My TV set started to develop "white dot" issue in the past month.

Here is the link to my original post.;forum-threads

My case number 4007933611

Thank you in advance!!!!

Reply 26 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Sight.....More dots appearing daily.......I was hoping to get some help from Samsung staff....

Reply 27 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I have sent up a request to have your case reviewed as of this evening. I apologize for the delay in the response, but I have a few hundred posts in queue. I do appreciate your patience, and hope you'll keep me posted.


Reply 28 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Thank you very much for your assistance! Got the call from the Customer service and now TV is fixed. White dots are gone!

Thank you again!!!

Reply 29 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Great news! I'm glad to hear that your DLP TV is up and running again.



  1. I started seeing the white dots on my HLT5076SX/XAA a few weeks ago and more and more are appearing daily. After reading this forum and many others like it, I called 1-800-SAMSUNG. After giving all the information they wanted, I was told my set was not covered and I had to pay to get it fixed...

    Tracking#: 2109190673

  2. I'm having the same white dot problem on my HLT5076SX/XAA. i tried calling samsung but they are giving me the run around. said my tv is not covered to be fixed but everyone else i see who has this problem has got it fixed for free. why is my tv different? Can someone Please Help me?

  3. I start seeing these white dots a month ago on my HLT5076SX/XAA. I called Samsung about this issue and was told its not under warranty. The rep also told me the expense would be out-of-pocket because my tv version was not covered for the free repair.I explain not only have i replaced 3bulbs and now an out-of-pocket expense for white dots on my screen too. not fair. So, he transfered me to an executive line where she honored to fix it for no charge.
    tracking # 5102577582 so i shall see next week..cross your fingers. thank you for this blogsite..
