Wednesday, March 23, 2011

G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Hey guys I had put in a e8435 cpu into my g50vt which works well and I decided to replace the thermal paste on the gpu as well. I noticed they were thermal pads so I removed the middle thermal pad of the gpu heatsink and used thermal paste on it and didnt really understand what the things surrounding the gpu were so just left thermal pads on them. So now the temperatures are reaching 100 on l4d2 and I need to reapply thermal paste/pads onto the gpu, I think I need copper shims or thermal pads but have no idea what size to get or how to apply them. Does anyone have any guides on this or know what sizes/areas on the heatsink I need to apply them?

Thanks. edit) I saw copper shims on ebay that say they are .66mm and are used for g50's, is this the correct size?

Reply 1 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I wouldn't recommend shimming your GPU. I have an E0 stepping E8335 and it gets quite hot... if anything I'd buy some copper blocks. They helped stabilize my temperatures and it also takes longer for my computer to heat up.

The E8x35 series is overvolted a LOT. Try using throttlestop to decrease voltage. I can maintain 3GHz at 1.05V just fine instead of the stock 1.225V. That's basically a 20% decrease in voltage and a 12C cut in max temps on the CPU, and 6C off the GPU (for me).

Reply 2 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I have heatblocks on the heatsink and am using rmclock to undervolt as much as I can but thanks for advice, is there a reason not to use shims? Isnt it, or a thermal pad the only way to reattach the heatsink to the gpu and surrounding parts? I am kind of forced to replace it with something now as I've physically pulled the thermal pad and thrown it away.

Reply 3 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Ohh I see. You're further along than I imagined. Shims will work, .66mm sounds thin enough but you're beyond my expertise here...

Try to do it soon because dead GPU memory is usually what kills the GPU rather than GPU core failure. Your GPU core might be 100C but your memory may be even hotter!

Reply 4 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

ah crap, I was sort of afraid of that. I dunno what to do then, I wish someone had some expertise its hard to believe no ones reapplied thermal paste to a g50vt gpu.

Heres the gpu part I speak of, I put thermal paste on the larger top right one but kept the existing thermal pads on there because I dont want them not touching the heatsink and didnt have them available, now I dont know if I need to buy new thermal pads for all of them or what I should do. I think ive read that I can use .55mm coppper shim but which do I do it on, I cant remember if the vga die on the top right had thermal paste or a pad. I could use the same thing I used to glue the heatblocks to glue the shim to the heatsink its just determining the location/size of them.


Here is a picture of a persons heatsink for a g50vt-x5 on ebay, I notice the larger gpu die's thermal pad is pushed down and indented so I am assuming it will just require thermal paste, whereas the others are not. So maybe I just need to determine the copper shims size or whether I should just use a pad.

Reply 5 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I've reapplied paste four times for the 9800m and twice for the 260m.

The shim size is relatively thin... if you can find a thermal pad it might not be a bad idea (Though 0.6mm sounds about right for a shim). Otherwise err on the thinner side. I don't really know much else about shims though, sorry.

The GPU die actually has a hardened thermal paste so you should probably scrape the paste off when you repaste. It'll go down to just copper and you'll need a credit card or something to get the paste off. It's basically caked on.

Reply 6 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

So what did you use to reapply? or did you keep the existing pads

Reply 7 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I kept the existing pads, some ripped in the process so I just patched it with some paste and squished things back together. It's kind of like sheets of semi unsticky clay. For paste I used a tube of OCZ Freeze. It's not bad and dead simple to apply, no extra precautions or instructions.

Reply 8 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Ah I see, I believe I've messed the pads up. I bought some more pads for it and some shinetsu, thanks for all the help and all your info on other topics like 15.4 monitor and thermal blocks. Its much appreciated

Reply 9 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Oh yeah, I thought I recognized your username

Best of luck with the thermal pads, they're quite annoying sometimes.

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