Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?

Hi All

Can anyone confirm whether or not the new XPS 17 is sata III? Been looking everywhere and the only clues are that on dells hard drives product pages all the XPS drives are ATA-150, whereas the alienwear, inspiron,etc are ATA-300.

Dell - Search - All


Reply 1 : Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?

I've asked a lot of Dell reps and all say SATA II.

Reply 2 : Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?

It does support SATA III (6Gbps).

Reply 3 : Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?


Originally Posted by webcivilian
View Post

It does support SATA III (6Gbps).



Reply 4 : Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?


Originally Posted by webcivilian
View Post

It does support SATA III (6Gbps).

Thats great, thanks for showing some proof. Shame Dell can`t be a little more elaborate with their specs.

Reply 5 : Dell XPS 17 L702x is sata 3?


Originally Posted by webcivilian
View Post

It does support SATA III (6Gbps).

Wow this is awesome. Thanks Webcivilian... I had set on going with a SATA II because looking through the huge Dell L702x thread I couldn't find anything about it and all Dell Reps kept telling me SATA II.

Thank you for the confirmation!!

upgrading Vista to Windows 7

I own 2 Toshiba laptops a X305 Q701 and a X505 Q892. I still have the default Vista 64 that came with the X305 and now since I have the newer X505 with windows 7, I want to know how I can transfer Windows 7 from the X505 onto the X305, but without deleting the "reformat to factory settings" partition on the X305, just incase something goes wrong and I need to format the system to how I bought it.

I burned a backup disc for both systems when I got them, but I'm not sure how where to start or how to use the burned back up discs I made.

Could someone walk me step by step through the procedure, since I have no experience having done this before. Thanks

Friday, March 25, 2011

E6420 Owner's Thread

Well, I am back to do the initials on the E6420.

After the unboxing and testing for image building the machine is pretty much a mixed bag.

You can see in the comparison shots, Dell made a good effort in using high quality materials compared to the E6410. The problem is they did not use them to effectively enough to make the machine look any better.

First glance at the bottom of the 6420 it looks and feels like plastic right down to the texture. But clearly they knew this and stamped the Mg logo on it.

The top lid texture is very nice but again instead of making it a single slab it looks like a swappable cover, detracting from that sharp gun metal style.

The unit I have requires two hands to open the lid and the latch sticks badly.

Build quality is better than the E6410 all around but it certainly does not look it. It does not have that look it needs to separate it from the home user machines which is my largest complaint.

Also I don't know what happened to the power supply but if this is the new design but it certainly seems like they went back to the old C series style power supplies. I hope this is a mistake.

But regardless here is the initial batch of photos.

Reply 1 : E6420 Owner's Thread

You can see the build quality in these pictures.

Reply 2 : E6420 Owner's Thread

Here are more of the chassis

Reply 3 : E6420 Owner's Thread

Here is a partial tear down. Its not as easy to drop the back panel.

Hard disk is 4 screws and the back panel an additional 5 screws.

Reply 4 : E6420 Owner's Thread

More teardown pics

Reply 5 : E6420 Owner's Thread

You can see the speakers are back to the palmrest.

Reply 6 : E6420 Owner's Thread

Final compare to E6410

Reply 7 : E6420 Owner's Thread

In conclusion, the initial feeling is that the build quality and durability are much improved over the E6410, and that is the most important thing here. But I think they missed a major opportunity to really make this piece of hardware look as slick as it could have been. I am a huge fan of the M6500 design style and I think with just a little bit of tweaking making the lid a continuous gunmetal slab or even the aluminum silver of the surrounding metal the laptop would look very serious and sleek.

I also don't like the ring around the Dell logo, screams "home user."

The keyboard and palm rest is a large improvement so far and anyone coming from a 6410 will appreciate the larger touch pad.

16:9? Love it or hate it, its here to stay for a while.

So, in conclusion, the new design is a mixed bag you will likely either like it or just fall asleep looking at it and that's where Dell missed the boat on the design.

Reply 8 : E6420 Owner's Thread

Awesome, thanks for the mini review Dezoris, really appreciate it!

Reply 9 : E6420 Owner's Thread

Last two pictures, forgot to pull the keyboard.

Take it for what it is worth but its a lot more effort to pull it out compared to the E6410 and they went back to a ribbon cable to connect it.

The surrounding bezel will be easily broken when removing.

Four screws to secure the keyboard on top and two smaller ones on the bottom next to the docking port.

I can assume this was to curb keyboard flex, but I can barely see much difference both the e6410 and e6420 have deflection.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

X220T specs are out

the latest ThinkPad PSREF Sheets are out and the official X220T specs are listed.

Reply 1 : X220T specs are out

BAH, I was praying to see the HD+ screen. Too bad.

L502x construction, anyone open it up?

What is the bottom of laptop made out of? Metal? Plastic?

If you open up the bottom to access the drives, memory, etc., what is the chassis that everything is attached to made out of? Metal?, plastic?

Thx in advance

Reply 1 : L502x construction, anyone open it up?

refer to this thread, should be the same design though

XPS 15 Repaste, step-by-step and temps

page one

Reply 2 : L502x construction, anyone open it up?

All plastic.

"Power off display" after locking computer on PM 3.40

On Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, I used to have Power Manager 3.25 on my x200 before it was upgraded to 3.40 through Lenovo's System Update. With 3.25, I would be able to lock my computer so it shows the login screen with "Locked" under my user name and picture, then press Fn+F3 to turn off the display at the login screen.

With 3.40, I'm not able to do that anymore. Instead, when I press Fn+F3 after locking, it shows the regular power plan menu on the login screen and even if I select "Power off display," nothing happens. I was able to change the setting to turn off display upon hitting Fn+F3, but it still does nothing. Curiously, when I logged back in, the Fn+F3 setting still showed the power plan menu, as if I could control what the key combination does at the login screen and on the desktop.

The only way I can turn off the screen is to select "Switch User" and then dim it, but that gets annoying when I used to be able to just turn it off right after locking my computer if I needed to step away for a quick second and didn't need to put it to sleep. Can anyone else with Power Manager 3.40 please test out the Fn+F3 combination after locking their computer (doesn't matter if it's with Fn+F2 or Windows key+L) and report what happens?

White dots issue on HL-T4675S

I am having a snow storm of white dots on this TV (50+). I understand there is a fix for this problem. Please contact me with any steps I have to take to resolve this issue.

XPS Sandy Bridge Battery Life

One thing that many people are interested in when deciding between dual core and quad core is whether there are any battery life differences between them. As far as I've seen, there haven't been any direct reviews comparing the processors in these terms.

So I was thinking it would be useful for people to post their model (15 or 17), processor model number, RAM amount, graphics card (and say if you overclocked it), and battery size, and then report the results of the following:

Set to Balanced power management with 50% brightness and, while on AC power, set the computer up for its power usage (e.g. start Prime95 running), then take it off AC power, continue the task for 5 min, then divide the estimated time remaining by the percent power remaining (e.g. 1.5 hours with 90% remaining: 1.5 / 0.9 = 1.67 hours). This will give you the total projected battery life if you were to continue that task until the battery was drained.

The useful test conditions, I think, would be:

1) Screen on but no applications running.

2) Browser open playing a standard def YouTube video

3) Prime95 (full CPU load)

4) Prime95 + Furmark (full CPU + GPU load)

Of course it would be better to actually run out the battery doing these things, but these quick tests are easier and should give a good indication of the differences between the processors and other components.

Because of the power-gating, I would generally expect that for the same other components, the battery life in conditions 1 and 2 would be largely the same, but that for 3 and 4, the quad cores would have worse battery life. I might also expect more RAM and a higher-clocked GPU to also lead to worse battery life. But I think people would benefit by finding this out.

EDIT: Oh, and say if you are using the wireless card.

Reply 1 : XPS Sandy Bridge Battery Life

This might be a good idea. I'm going against prime95, as it is unrealistic in terms of power usage and the fact that it can take advantage of all 8 threads on a quad core vs 4 threads on a dual core, so there will be a big difference in battery life that doesn't equate to real world scenarios. I can't remember who did this, but something like playing a blue-ray movie and checking the percentage left afterwards would be entertainment and more accurate as well as realistic to how we actually use the laptops. Playing a blue-ray probably won't enable the nvidia gpu. I've also noticed through the many 3dmark06 tests I've run, that without the AC power hooked up, my scores are around 25% lower, leading me to believe that the gpu isn't enabled on battery power, or some other battery saving function is specifically hindering performance to save on battery life. This should be addressed before any cpu or gpu intensive tasks are benchmarked for the purpose of checking battery life.

G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Hey guys I had put in a e8435 cpu into my g50vt which works well and I decided to replace the thermal paste on the gpu as well. I noticed they were thermal pads so I removed the middle thermal pad of the gpu heatsink and used thermal paste on it and didnt really understand what the things surrounding the gpu were so just left thermal pads on them. So now the temperatures are reaching 100 on l4d2 and I need to reapply thermal paste/pads onto the gpu, I think I need copper shims or thermal pads but have no idea what size to get or how to apply them. Does anyone have any guides on this or know what sizes/areas on the heatsink I need to apply them?

Thanks. edit) I saw copper shims on ebay that say they are .66mm and are used for g50's, is this the correct size?

Reply 1 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I wouldn't recommend shimming your GPU. I have an E0 stepping E8335 and it gets quite hot... if anything I'd buy some copper blocks. They helped stabilize my temperatures and it also takes longer for my computer to heat up.

The E8x35 series is overvolted a LOT. Try using throttlestop to decrease voltage. I can maintain 3GHz at 1.05V just fine instead of the stock 1.225V. That's basically a 20% decrease in voltage and a 12C cut in max temps on the CPU, and 6C off the GPU (for me).

Reply 2 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I have heatblocks on the heatsink and am using rmclock to undervolt as much as I can but thanks for advice, is there a reason not to use shims? Isnt it, or a thermal pad the only way to reattach the heatsink to the gpu and surrounding parts? I am kind of forced to replace it with something now as I've physically pulled the thermal pad and thrown it away.

Reply 3 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Ohh I see. You're further along than I imagined. Shims will work, .66mm sounds thin enough but you're beyond my expertise here...

Try to do it soon because dead GPU memory is usually what kills the GPU rather than GPU core failure. Your GPU core might be 100C but your memory may be even hotter!

Reply 4 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

ah crap, I was sort of afraid of that. I dunno what to do then, I wish someone had some expertise its hard to believe no ones reapplied thermal paste to a g50vt gpu.

Heres the gpu part I speak of, I put thermal paste on the larger top right one but kept the existing thermal pads on there because I dont want them not touching the heatsink and didnt have them available, now I dont know if I need to buy new thermal pads for all of them or what I should do. I think ive read that I can use .55mm coppper shim but which do I do it on, I cant remember if the vga die on the top right had thermal paste or a pad. I could use the same thing I used to glue the heatblocks to glue the shim to the heatsink its just determining the location/size of them.


Here is a picture of a persons heatsink for a g50vt-x5 on ebay, I notice the larger gpu die's thermal pad is pushed down and indented so I am assuming it will just require thermal paste, whereas the others are not. So maybe I just need to determine the copper shims size or whether I should just use a pad.

Reply 5 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I've reapplied paste four times for the 9800m and twice for the 260m.

The shim size is relatively thin... if you can find a thermal pad it might not be a bad idea (Though 0.6mm sounds about right for a shim). Otherwise err on the thinner side. I don't really know much else about shims though, sorry.

The GPU die actually has a hardened thermal paste so you should probably scrape the paste off when you repaste. It'll go down to just copper and you'll need a credit card or something to get the paste off. It's basically caked on.

Reply 6 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

So what did you use to reapply? or did you keep the existing pads

Reply 7 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

I kept the existing pads, some ripped in the process so I just patched it with some paste and squished things back together. It's kind of like sheets of semi unsticky clay. For paste I used a tube of OCZ Freeze. It's not bad and dead simple to apply, no extra precautions or instructions.

Reply 8 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Ah I see, I believe I've messed the pads up. I bought some more pads for it and some shinetsu, thanks for all the help and all your info on other topics like 15.4 monitor and thermal blocks. Its much appreciated

Reply 9 : G50vt-x5 Replacing gpu thermal pad

Oh yeah, I thought I recognized your username

Best of luck with the thermal pads, they're quite annoying sometimes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

XPS15 R2 TV Tuner

I am now disappointed I didn't get the TV tuner. As it was explained to me by a couple reps it was only good for a coax connection and didn't have OTA HD reception. Now to find out that is not the case :/. Anything I can do at this point?

Reply 1 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner

Amazon or Ebay and just buy an external tv tuner - I think they run about the same as Dell ($50)

Reply 2 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner

a usb tv tuner would be the easiest option but will lose a usb port. or you could get a dell technician to install the internal one?

Reply 3 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner


Originally Posted by blingers
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a usb tv tuner would be the easiest option but will lose a usb port. or you could get a dell technician to install the internal one?

I really like the internal option :/ How could multiple reps tell me wrong information? You think they would jump at any opportunity to sell you something

Reply 4 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner

Dell reps are pretty clueless unless you can get past them to a technician - even then, it's iffy if you'll get any accurate info

Reply 5 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner


Originally Posted by xmacro
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Dell reps are pretty clueless unless you can get past them to a technician - even then, it's iffy if you'll get any accurate info

so fristrating :/ so am I basically stuck with an external module

Reply 6 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner


Originally Posted by chemman14
View Post

so fristrating :/ so am I basically stuck with an external module

You could try one of these:

dvb-t "mini pci-e" - Google Search

They seem to be the same manufacturer and capabilities as the ones Dell. You'd have to take the WWAN module out. Hmm and you wouldn't have the antenna port on the back and would have to use only the internal one so maybe no good

Reply 7 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner


Originally Posted by zygotic
View Post

You could try one of these:

dvb-t "mini pci-e" - Google Search

They seem to be the same manufacturer and capabilities as the ones Dell. You'd have to take the WWAN module out. Hmm and you wouldn't have the antenna port on the back and would have to use only the internal one so maybe no good

my WWAN module slot is blank because I was told I couldnt get bluetooth, WiFi, and WWAN. Another damn erroneous statement from the brilliant people that sell dell systems

Reply 8 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner


Originally Posted by chemman14
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my WWAN module slot is blank because I was told I couldnt get bluetooth, WiFi, and WWAN. Another damn erroneous statement from the brilliant people that sell dell systems

Ah - sorry - thought you were in Europe for some reason.

Sounds like you're having a rough time of it! A Dell guy told me today that even an engineer couldn't swap my keyboard because it's a laptop

BTW don't get any of those cards from the Google link if you're not in Europe

Reply 9 : XPS15 R2 TV Tuner

If you're patient and don't need the laptop immediately, you could always send it back (think you have 7 days for full refund) and just re-order.

Though personally after waiting, I don't think I could do something like that unless there was a major problem

Samsung LN46A650 Cycling On & Off

My Samsung LN46A650 LCD TV seems to be stuck in some kind of loop. The red light by the power button blinks, I hear the normal "bong" sound like it is powering on, but I get no picture. Within a couple seconds, I hear a click like it is powering down and then the "bong" again. It does this over and over as long as it is plugged in. I purchased the TV around June 2008 and have not downloaded any updated software. Not sure how I can do that now since I can't get a picture. Any ideas? Thanks.

Reply 1 : Samsung LN46A650 Cycling On & Off

I have the same TV and mine just started doing the exact same thing today. It's stuck in an endless loop or cycle of on and off. My warranty expired 29 days ago (sounds just about like my luck). Have you heard anything on why it might be doing this and/or how to fix it?
Also, with my warranty just expiring do you think there is any way to still get it repaired for free or is it going to cost me $300-$400?

Reply 2 : Samsung LN46A650 Cycling On & Off


If you register online - and you're a U.S. customer - you get an additional 3 months of warranty service on top of your warranty. Fill it out online, and then call 800-SAMSUNG to see if you can get your unit fixed.

Keep me posted.


Reply 3 : Samsung LN46A650 Cycling On & Off

Curious what the problem was. Found this thread and my TV is doing the same thing.

G73-JH Webcam and Mic isssue

I know this has been brought up before but...

I got this beast a month ago and after I updated the bios with 213, updated the vBios with Chastity's fix, fixed the sound issue with creative drivers, and repasted my 5870, I can't for the life of me get my webcam and mic to work.

I've already tried the driver reinstall and I can't reinstall it due to the system not recognizing the webcam. The Device Manager undeer the Imaging Device section does not recognize the camera.

I'm out of ideas. Help?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

CF27 Battery and HDD

i have quite a poorly cf 27

Battery - its knackerd - was knackerd - i tryed to recell it but it didn't work.i get a blinking red light when i charge and sometimes it bleeps, so it looks like ebay for me!

HDD - Dead, along with winXP on it too- any idears on reinstaling xp? and here's the problem - i dont have a cd drive. someone sugested using USB install but is it supported?


Reply 1 : CF27 Battery and HDD


Originally Posted by HoilerNerd
View Post

i have quite a poorly cf 27

Battery - its knackerd - was knackerd - i tryed to recell it but it didn't work.i get a blinking red light when i charge and sometimes it bleeps, so it looks like ebay for me!

Panasonic CF-27 CF-VZSU04 battery


HDD - Dead, along with winXP on it too- any idears on reinstaling xp? and here's the problem - i dont have a cd drive. someone sugested using USB install but is it supported?

No reason to go USB:

(4) CF-27/28/29 DVD-RW Multidrive optical caddy ea

Tomcat's CF-29/CF-30 stuff for sale

Offered by Forum Moderator Tomcat57.

Reply 2 : CF27 Battery and HDD

cool, thanks a buncha

Saturday, March 19, 2011

RS232 / Service Port / Ex-link Control For B650 TVs


My TV is a LA40B650 bought in New Zealand. It's running FW 2002.0. I've tried everything I can find to control it via the RS232 "Service Port". There seem to be a number of Samsung TV's that can do this.

I know that my cable is working because if I put the RS232 port into debug mode instead of UART mode I get debug messages. I'm trying to control it by pasting commands into a terminal window. Using commands like these:

But nothing seems to work. I would really appreciate some inside information on this. I'm sure it must be possible.

Kind Regards,
Rhys Goodwin

-Visit my blog-

Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)


I have my eye on a Thinkpad on their outlet website and it says that it comes with Windows 7 Home Premium...but there is no mention of MS Office. Is there at least a starter version where I can buy and then input the product key?

Reply 1 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)

Practically all new laptops come with some sort of trial of Microsoft Office, usually 60 day trial OR 25 uses which ever comes first. I believe you can also download the trial version online.

Reply 2 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)

You can't buy Office Starter. It's free.

But it only comes on new machines where it's been preloaded. Good question for the Outlet folks.

Reply 3 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)


Originally Posted by dongtandave
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I have my eye on a Thinkpad on their outlet website and it says that it comes with Windows 7 Home Premium...but there is no mention of MS Office. Is there at least a starter version where I can buy and then input the product key?

Used/Refurbished/Scratch-N-Dent laptops used to include whatever bundled software was originally bundled with them. Doesn't seem to be the case any more, or at least, they aren't listing the software in the description.

Very few new laptops bundle Office.

Price-wise, you're probably better off getting it elsewhere.

Reply 4 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)

You might be able to download from Microsoft

Office 2010 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) Download

Haven't try it myself, since I primary use live office and skydrive to store my document.

Reply 5 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)


Originally Posted by k2001
View Post

You might be able to download from Microsoft

Office 2010 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) Download

Haven't try it myself, since I primary use live office and skydrive to store my document.

The OPK doesn't include Office. Just the tools.

Reply 6 : Lenovo Outlet (MS Office)

If you're a student you should be able to get the full Pro version from your school for like $60-$70.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Asus G73JH Heating Issues?

Hey guys recently when I'm running starcraft 2 with high settings, my laptop after a few minutes of game play will just shut off. It isn't even a year old, and I used to be able to run this game with the same settings just fine.

Should I claim my warranty for this? Or is there a solution to my problem? Thanks for your help!

Reply 1 : Asus G73JH Heating Issues?

Try using compressed air to blow out the vents (when thecomputer is off)

Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

my LN-T5265F stopped displaying video yesterday. It is out of warranty, so I am hoping to diagnose the problem myself before having an on-site service visit. I created a short demo video on Youtube here:
Here is the sequence of events when I turn on the set:
-press power button, hear click, see blinking red LED
-after a couple of seconds, I see a faint glow from the set, i.e. it changes from black to a dark gray, so I think the backlight is on.
-at the same time the glow starts I hear a faint buzzing/crackling sound -- it sounds like very quiet electrical arcing (but I don't smell anything)
-a second or so after the buzzing starts, the video comes on very briefly -- less than a second, and then goes black. At that point, the buzzing stops, but the audio from the programming continues.
Have tried a total set reset with no change (not sure I did it correctly -- pressed remote control "exit" for 12 seconds, then down arrow, then enter ???) Have also tried unplugging for several hours with no change.

Is this enough info to make a definitive diagnosis of the problem? Maybe the power supply board? Or do I need to gather more info.


Reply 1 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

since initial posting, I opened up the TV and had a good look at the power supply board (BN44-00150A), where I found three capacitors that were bulging and oozing brown crud. (Marked on circuit board as CM812, CM813, and CS804). They look just like the failed capacitors I've seen on computer motherboards from the early 90's when there was apparently a big problem with some kind of off-spec electrolyte. Anyway, I have located what appear to be matching capacitors on DigiKey ( so am going to attempt to repair the board. Will post back results.

Does anyone have an opinion about whether I should replace the other similar capacitors on the board? There are two more of the same type that are not oozing, but I'm thinking if there is a whole batch of bad capacitors, then I may as well replace all five while I'm in there with the soldering iron...

Reply 2 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

in case anyone else stumbles across this thread, here is some more info about the faulty capacitors.
-They are branded "Samwha", which apparently is a company that took over Samsung capacitor manufacturing in 2002.
-The failed capacitors are series "WB". The current Samwha website indicates that this series was "obsoleted in 1999" (
Exactly what "obsoleted in 1999" means isn't clear, but it seems strange that they were used on a TV manufactured in 2007. I found a datasheet for the series here: They are described as "ultra low impedance" and have a high ripple current tolerance. The Samwha website identifies the "MK" series as their current replacement for "WB".

I found an almost exact specification match with the Nippon Chemi-Con KZE series , specifically EKZE100ELL102MJ16S. I ended up ordering this instead of the KY series I linked to in my previous post.

I have since read on many posts that people have been successfully picking up off-the-shelf capacitors at Radio Shack or Fry's that are slightly over-rated, i.e. 1000uF, 16V capacitors apparently provide some additional ripple-current capacity than the 10V equivalent. Not being an electrical engineer, I'm not sure if there are any downsides to that approach, but fyi I had a look in Fry's this morning and they stock a 1000uF, 16V "ITE" capacitor for $1.92 which works out to almost the same total cost as I'm paying for 5 capacitors plus shipping from "" (I decided to use Mouser instead of Digikey when I realized Mouser's Dallas-area distribution center is about 30 miles away, so UPS is next day for me).

Reply 3 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

fyi... while googling this problem I came across perhaps 5 or 6 posts from users with similar symptoms who reported that the first occurrence of the problem coincided with some heavy rain or high humidity. Same thing happened to me. House had been sealed up all summer in air conditioning mode, so indoor humidity had been low and consistent. But we had some cool weather so I opened up all the windows, and then we had heavy rain, causing the indoor humidity to go way up. The TV stopped working within a few hours of the rain starting. My theory -- the blown capacitors are no longer sealed, so the high humidity can readily get inside, causing the already-degraded capacitors to perform even worse.

Reply 4 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

UPS guy came with the capacitors. Even with my amateur soldering skills I had them installed in about 10 minutes (I chose to do all five of the 1000uF, 10V capacitors, even though only three had failed)

After re-installing the power supply board in the TV, YEA!, it works again!

Samsung, if you are reading this, you really ought to initiate some kind of goodwill extended warranty program for these capacitor failures. After several days of Googling, it is apparent that this problem affects thousands of owners of many different models of Samsung TV. Clearly, this is a manufacturing defect. The fact that it doesn't typically reveal itself until after 1 year doesn't change the fact that the defect existed at the time of manufacture. As a minimum, an appropriate response would be to offer remanufactured power supply boards as a free exchange for ones with bulging capacitors. It would also be helpful to issue service bulletins that describe the problem and the solution (eg. specifying exactly what new capacitors should be installed) so that TV service people everywhere are prepared to fix this.

Swapping the boards is easy enough that many customers would be satisfied with just a free part, but probably most customers would rather have someone install it for them. Given that the set is out of warranty, most customers would probably be OK with paying something out of pocket for this. Personally, I would have gladly paid $100 to have someone take care of this for me rather than spend many hours researching the problem, ordering parts, and doing the repair myself. But the alternative that was offered to me by Samsung authorized service was to pay $100 trip charge, $100 repair labor, and $150 for a new power supply board, for a total of $350. It just isn't acceptable that Samsung expects customers to pay that kind of money to correct this manufacturing defect.

Reply 5 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

have posted some photos of the power supply board and the capacitors for reference

Reply 6 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

Thank you so much for your informative posts. My LNT5265F has been displaying the classic problems described by many owners: multiple power up cycles, pink dots down the screen once it does power up and over time just a black screen. Samsung denied any issues when I called for support and said they have no known problems that are wide spread based on what I described. A new PS board is $150 to $200 plus service costs. Yesterday, I took my TV apart and found that two of the three 1000uf 10V capacitors that you described had failed (buldged at the top). I went to RadioShack and purchased two 1000uf 35V capacitors (35V was the lowest voltage that they carried. They are slightly bigger than a 10V capacitor, but they fit on the board) After soldering in the new capacitors and putting the TV back together, everything is back to normal. The capacitors were $1.59 each. Thank you for sharing the detailed information in your posts and saving me hundreds of dollars.

Reply 7 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

We came home today, turned on our Samsung 46" LCD tv, no picture, just sound. We contacted Samsung who in turn had a certified repair service call us. The service guy was extremely rude. He wanted to charge mileage, even though we are in the same city, plus $35 fee for us being out of his area, and set fee for the call. That is without even looking at the tv. I searched the internet and found this forum and your post. We have our tv working and saved hundreds of dollars. My husband and I thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
My husband went to Radio Shack to by capacitors. He was surprised when the salesman asked him if we were repairing a LCD tv. The salesman said a man had been in that store the night before buying the same thing. Samsung needs to pay you!

Reply 8 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

I have the same problem and don't have a clue as how to repair. Will the same capacitors fit for my 46 inch tv as your 52 inch? I can go to Radio Shack or order online. My additional problem is getting someone to do the actual replacement. Do you have any suggestions as to what type of tech person I need. My tv started taking 15 to 20 minutes to come on, then it just stopped coming on and just clicks. It was still under warrenty and they replaced 2 boards of some kind. Now a year later it's doing the same thing and Samsung, of course, will not take responbility. Any help you can give me will be appreciated.

Reply 9 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

If you can't do the soldering yourself, almost any person who has ever used a soldering iron could do the job. I read one post where a guy bought the caps at Radio Shack, and paid a kid behind the cash register $10 cash to do the soldering. If you don't know someone like that, you can either find an electronics repair shop to do the repair for you (check the yellow pages & call for a quote; some shops won't do little jobs like this), or you could replace the whole power supply board. They are available on the net for less than list price. eg. at the board for my TV is about $105 vs.about $170 from Samsung. Installation takes just a few minutes. Philips screwdriver is the only tool required. In either case, I'd suggest you open the TV yourself to remove the power supply board; once you see the board, you'll know whether it has blown capacitors or not. If you see bad caps, you can be confident that either fixing or replacing the board should work. If you don't see bad caps, then I'd still suspect the power supply board but would order a new one from a place with a reasonable return policy so if you're wrong about the diagnosis, you'll be able to return it and hopefully only lose shipping costs.

Reply 10 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

I am also having the same problem with my Samsung. when i turn on the tv i get a glowing black screen on every video input but i can here sound. after a couple of minutes the picture just appears! I have model number ln26a330j1dxza. I've already opened the back and found that 2 of the 3 capacitors are bulging. I know nothing about capacitors so trying to do the repair my self probably isn't going to happen, but i was able to find a new POWER BOARD for $65 and that looks very easy to replace. Is this my only problem?? Will i be allset after i swap out power boards?? please help!!!

Reply 11 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

those bulging capacitors are definitely a problem, and very likely your only problem. That $65 board sounds like a good deal.

Reply 12 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

i question the reliability of a new board. reading other posts it looks like the boards that were replaced under the warranty all failed later after the warranty expired. do the new boards have the same low temperture caps. posts recommend upgrading to a higher temp. 105 degree c in lieu of 85 degree c.

Reply 13 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

No all i could find were used and recycled boards. I called up the company and asked what a recycled board was and they told me it was boards from returned TV's that have been tested to work at the level of the original. To be honest I'm actually expecting it to break sooner or later. its just that money is very tight for me and the cheapest i could find someone to look at it was $75 and he said that he wouldn't replace the capacitors he would only find a new board and i would still have to pay for parts and labor. So i figured paying $65 for a whole new board would be a little cheaper and i also get a 30 day money back warranty on the part so if it doesn't fix the problem I'm only out $10 in shipping. So even though it probably wont be a permanent fix, it might get me another 6-12 months while i try and find someone to replace the capacitors on the original board. I thought it made sense at the time......I hope i was right :/

Reply 14 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

got the new board in on thursday and installed it in 20 min. everything started up great and picture turned on in about 3 seconds. Things seemed like they were going great until today!!! Saturday afternoon turned on the tv and AGAIN black screen with sound. Now i have a brand new power board in there!!! ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS????

Reply 15 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

the fact that the new board fixed the problem, even temporarily, seems to suggest that the board is indeed the source of the problem, but why it would then fail after a couple of days is a mystery. If it was a recycled board, maybe there was some other problem with it, or maybe it wasn't repaired properly. So on that theory, you could order another power supply board, and if that works then return the first one under your 30 day warranty. The risk is that the problem is something different, in which case you could end up with two power boards and no solution, but between the bulging caps on the original board, and the temporary fix when you replaced it, I'm still thinking the power supply is very likely the issue.

What is the board model #? I searched your TV model number and came up with a couple of possibilities like BN44-00192B and BN44-00208B, each for about $50 new.

Reply 16 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

sorry, just realized that link I gave you was from a secure logged in session so it won't work for other people. to get to the same place, you can just go to and click "Guest Login" on the left menu, and then enter your TV model number LN26A330J1DXZA in the search box on the left to get a list of parts for your TV

Reply 17 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

the one i ordered was bn44-00192b. I got it from i just got another tv today, but would still love to fix my samsung. i think i will return the recycled board and try another one. : /

Reply 18 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

if you are going to try again definitely consider that encompassparts place. I've used them twice because they had best price I could find on brand new parts. Both times I ordered in morning and they shipped same day; items were well packed, communications were good, very professional outfit.

Reply 19 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

i am defiantly going to try again. and will try that site if i can get a NEW board over a recycled one. Thank you. I'll keep ya up to date on how it goes. THANKS AGAIN

Reply 20 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

We have a 46" Samsung TV that we bought in October 2008. We started in May 2010 having trouble with our set. The same problems most people were posting: clicking when turning the TV on, getting green screen with sound, having to turn the TV off and on several times before it would work properly. Then eventually, the TV taking 30-60 minutes to turn on, and ultimately, turning itself on and off repeatedly. We finally had to unplug the set to keep it turned off.

The first technician replaced the capacitor...we still had the same problem. The second technician replaced the whole board....still had the same problem...Now they tell us it is the main board. The one that draws all the power from the the power board. They said they can replace the power board, but if they do, the main board will blow it out again anyway. So, now we don't know what to do....

I hope that isn't your problem as well.

Reply 21 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

Thank you so much for the information on repairing my tv. I was able to get a guy from my church to replace the capcatiors and the tv now works again.

Reply 22 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help


Did replacing the capacitors alone fix the problem without replacing the power supply board?

Thank you

Reply 23 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

yes, in my case replacing the caps was all that was required, but I could see three visibly bad capacitors so I felt pretty confident that would be the problem. If you don't see bad capacitors, then it is hard to guess whether they might be the source of your problem or not. If you are comfortable with a soldering iron, changing the caps is quick and cheap, so you don't have much to lose by trying.

Reply 24 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help


Thank you for your insight. I had 2 blown caps and 3 more were bulging. I was able to find them at a local Radio Shack. Total cost of repair was under $15.00. Problem solved.

Reply 25 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

roughly nine months have passed since I started this thread, but after initial success fixing the TV by replacing capacitors, I have had it fail two more times, so I thought I would post an update.
When the first repeat-failure happened, I inspected the power supply board, and could see no sign of problems with the capacitors that I had previously replaced. But I replaced them again anyway, and still the TV wouldn't start. So I ordered a brand new power supply board, and it worked first time. So I figured my repaired power supply board must have had some other hidden problem. I stuffed it in a closet.
A couple of months passed, and then the TV failed again, with exactly the same symptoms. So I ordered a new power supply board again, but this time, the new board didn't help. So I started to hunt around for another cause of the problem, and zeroed in on the inverter boards, of which there are four. Every time I turned on the TV, there was a buzzing sound for a few seconds, and by listening closely with the back off the TV I was able to determine that the buzz was coming from the lower right board, part INV52B24A (RL). Then I had a hunch -- we've probably all seen fluorescent lights have a tough time starting when they are cold. Well it seemed to me like the inverter was trying to start the fluorescent backlight and not quite getting it going. So following my crazy hunch I grabbed a hair dryer and started to heat up the entire area around the inverter boards, thinking that if I could get the fluorescent tubes warm, they might start up. Crazy? Well, it worked! After maybe two minutes of heating, the TV started up normally. The I powered down and left the TV off overnight. The next morning, it wouldn't start up again. So again, I grabbed the hair dryer and started heating, and again, it worked after a few minutes. Interestingly though, when the TV did start, there was still quite a bit of buzzing coming from the RL inverter board, but not any of the others. Then I got really close to the board and looked at all the transformers, and was amazed to see across one of the transformer casings, exactly where the buzz was coming from, what appeared to be a light scorch mark and a tiny crack. Could this be the problem? I decided to try to replace that board, and quickly found that this part doesn't appear to be sold by Samsung as a separate part, however I found a used board on "ShopJimmy" and decided to give it a shot. Board arrived a few days later, and upon installation, the TV immediately worked, with no hair dryer, and no buzz whatsoever. I turned it off for a couple of days to make sure it was completely cold, and it powered back up without problem. Then I decided to swap out the new power supply board with my original, repaired power supply board, and that worked too.
The TV has now worked fine for two weeks with the new inverter board. It's hard to know how the the power supply capacitor problem and the inverter problem are linked... maybe the original capacitor failure caused damage to the inverter transformer. Or maybe they are completely unrelated failures that coincidentally had the same symptoms. In any event, the TV works again, at least for now.

Reply 26 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

Your posts on this forum and on were the most informative and explanatory in dealing with the capacitor problem on Samsungs. After much research, I changed out the three 10v capacitors yesterday, and the startup problem on my 46" LCD was solved. Many, many thanks to you and the others who helped a complete soldering novice make this repair for about a dollar (thanks to a friend in the video poker business with bins full of wholesale price capacitors).

But before the capacitor repair, my set developed the problem with the dark picture at startup. And unfortunately, this problem still exists after the startup/capacitor problem was solved. I haven't tried the hair dryer test, and I haven't heard any noticeable buzzing. But, as described, the picture is dark for about 5 - 10 minutes after startup, then a subtle internal click and the normal brightness returns and the set is fine again.

You mentioned the inverters. Have you or has anyone else posted pictures or videos on the testing, repair or replacement of the inverter boards? After yesterday's success, I am willing to tackle that problem as well. Especially if I can get the kind of tech assistance that these forums provided on the capacitor issue.

Thanks very much for your posts, and I'm looking forward to more education.

Reply 27 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

I have a 52" LCD Samsung and I'm having the on/off problem. Randomly the TV will turn off and back on. Doesn't appear to be heat dependant as it's happend in a variety of intervals and conditions. This just started a 3 or 4 days ago. I have pulled the power circuit board (BN44-00201A) and all the caps look fine. The board is stuffed with Samwha caps and from what I've read they can be problematic. I'm going to change out the 16V 1000uf caps with some Sanyo 25V caps and see what happens. Maybe because this just started the caps aren't in bad enough shape to start bulging. I'll let you know what happens.

Reply 28 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

GoneFishin99--this is amazing--on 9-17-09 I had my 52 inch (LN-T5265F) go black as well (it turns on making the sound, then "component 1" flashes for about 1/2 second in the upper left and then it goes black)--source or menu buttons do not result in anything changing.

I am not as proficient or willing to do the component level work but will have to have it repaired for the high on-site costs. I do agree that Samsung should stand behind this in some way for their faulty parts.

Reply 29 : Samsung LCD TV LN-T5265F Black Screen Diagnosis Help

sorry to hear about your problem; it would be great if you would post back later to let us know how your repair goes.

Crap, computer won't boot up

Well my E6400 would not boot up this morning. It gets to the Dell logo screen and stalls there. Pressing F2, F8, F12 does nothing. None of the F functions respond. Any ideas, hard drive, motherboard.


Reply 1 : Crap, computer won't boot up

Have you tried:

- Removing battery/AC adapter and holding down the power button for 30 seconds 2-3 times

- Reseatting RAM/HDD

- Using known good RAM

- Hitting spacebar as soon as you get POST

Purchase help please?

So I gave up on Mbps since I couldn't deal with the 1280 resolution. I'm looking at the vaio z but I notice there are two screen choices and I can't make up my mind. I know the fhd has more pixels but does it also have more vivid colors? As of now it's only 100 more for the upgrade so idk if it's worth it. I like the carbon finish the best but it seems like it wears faster. What are your opinions? Only reason I wouldn't want silver is because its the same color as the MacBook pro I had but if it's more durable then so be it. Thanks for any advice.

Reply 1 : Purchase help please?

In which country are you located & from where do you intend to buy from?

Reply 2 : Purchase help please?

Im in the US. Im going to buy from sony style.

Reply 3 : Purchase help please?

an FHD screen will have a better picture quality overall... its the best $100 upgrade you can get.

Reply 4 : Purchase help please?

I have the option of premium carbon z13 with the base I5 processor or the z12 silver with the base i5 and fhd screen for $20 more. What do you think?

Reply 5 : Purchase help please?


Originally Posted by nyyankees3511
View Post

Im in the US. Im going to buy from sony style.

Didn't the SonyStyle USA online store already stop offering CTO models for sale? Or are you going to search for a clearance or refurbished item on their online outlet store?

Reply 6 : Purchase help please?

Outlet store lol.

Reply 7 : Purchase help please?


Originally Posted by nyyankees3511
View Post

Outlet store lol.

Oh, OK I see.

I'm not sure if there are any new SonyStyle outlet coupons "floating around" right now but you might want to search for that as well. Good luck.

Reply 8 : Purchase help please?

I paid 1359 for the z1390x premium carbon what do you think?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

Hi all,

Do you know if it's possible to replace the standard laptop harddrive that came with my Dell m1530 with a Corsair Force Series F240 240 GB SSD drive?

I purchased the m1530 back in 2008 and it's using bios version A12.

I'm running windows 7, 32 bit

3 gb ram on the pc.

I currently have a 295 Gb drive in the laptop but it's been slow lately and running very hot. So I was thinking I could maybe get a few more good years out of the m1530 by changing to SSD.

So have anybody tried this?

- Chr

Reply 1 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?


That laptop should take any standard 2.5"(inch) SATA Hard Drive, so the F240 should be fine.

Reply 2 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

Yes, it will work. As far as speeds go, it depends on what sata speed is implemented in your controller. If you're running sata I, you won't get anywhere near the full speed of that drive. If you're running sata II you will be a lot closer and will see a big increase in speed on your whole computer. Do you already have the Force, or are you about to buy it? The Force line has been plagued by problems that Corsair has yet to fix. You might want to look at other drives for the time being, as well as checking in on the Corsair forums to see when/if the issues have been resolved.

Reply 3 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

What kind of issues are the Corsair Force drives generally experiencing? (Just my curiosity here as I know some people have reported freezing with the Crucial C300)

Reply 4 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

thanks for the comments.

I haven't purchased a ssd drive yet. I found the Corsair drive from a online benchmark review of drives. Ref: Corsair Force F120 SSD Review |

It looked like a good option to me, but I will sure be searching to see if what issues users have.

I'm not too technical. How could I check if I have SATA I or SATA II?

Isn't there something about the PC should support AHCI for SSD drives. Do you know if m1530 a12 bios support this?

.... edit

ok from bios AHCI seems to be supported.

In Win7 Device manager I can see this controller, but I'm not sure if this is SATA II:

Intel ich8m SATA AHCI Controller - 2829

Intel ich8m ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 2850

any tips on how to check for SATA II support. And I guess if SATA II is not supported then I could look for a cheaper slower driver?

Reply 5 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

XPS M1530 has PM965 which supports full SATA 2 speeds.

The Corsair drive is good, but you need to ask yourself do you need an SSD that large, and put it into a timebomb?

Reply 6 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?


Originally Posted by namaiki
View Post

What kind of issues are the Corsair Force drives generally experiencing? (Just my curiosity here as I know some people have reported freezing with the Crucial C300)

If I remember correctly, there were a lot who reported the drive instantly being unrecognized by the bios, and possible deletion of files. This was on the Corsair forums. I had their 128GB Nova on my L501x, and loved it. Had absolutley no problems whatsover, nor did I see many posts of anyone having problems with that drive. NOTE: Almost all manufacturers have different drives out with different controllers, and some get a bad rep. Sometimes you have to take that with a grain of salt (like the reviews on Newegg sometimes) and sometimes you want to do some more research on the manufacturers forums to check out complaints or problems people may be having. The C300 is honestly one of the fastest and most stable sata III drives on the market. It's bad rep comes from the small percentage of the huge number of owners. Every drive will have this as I said earlier.

Reply 7 : Dell m1530 (2008) adding ssd drive?

@Tsunade - you're right that the m1530 will not work forever. I do have a homeserver in my setup where most of my content is stored. On the m1530 I just have 20gb photos, 20gb music and 60gb video files. Looking at the prices of ssd there is not much point in going with 180gb instead of 240gb. The current disk is 320gb and I find it hard to imagine how I could organize myself with a 80 or 120gb ssd. The main problem is that we use the m1530 as a desktop replacement and only have wlan network where we use it. If I always would have easy lan connection available then it would be a different issue and I could load more stuff off to the home server.

I was thinking that I could add the 240gb ssd disk to the m1530 now and then in a few years re-use the 240gb disk in a new system, eg. new homeserver in the basement or 2nd mediacenter pc.

cracking noises coming from LED TV

Recently purchased a Samsung TV and started hearing noises coming from the back of the TV when it was turned off. I now can hear the noise when the TV is on and the volume is low. I contacted Samsung and had a tech come to the house to replace 2 electronic boards on the TV. The tech said he hadn't heard of this issue and the repair didn't fix the problem. Anyone out there having the same issue and have a fix for this. Thanks UN46C6300

Reply 1 : cracking noises coming from LED TV


I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your unit.

I'd recommend contacting the Samsung customer service center again and explain that the technician wasn't able to solve your issue, and that your TV continues to not work properly. They would be able to advise on the next step.


Reply 2 : cracking noises coming from LED TV

I called after reading reviews just like yours. Seems Samsung has a problem with that model and the crackling sounds coming from the tv when its on. It's not the speakers or the exterior packaging.. something inside.

Since I bought my tv only 2 weeks ago... Amazon is sending a replacement. If the replacement does the same thing, I'll be switching to a new model.

I really enjoy Samsung products but my 40" Samsung LCD had to have a capacitor fixed after it stopped turning on (another big problem with Samsung LCD tv's).

Hope you are able to exchange yours too.

Reply 3 : cracking noises coming from LED TV

I have the Samsung UN55C8000 and my wife and I thought it was the plastic we left on for a week after we bought it. We hear is when it is off and on. I first had a problem with hdmi pins Samsung came and replaced the entire board the hdmis and connected to. But the cracking noise is driving me insane.

dv6700: SATA or IDE

Does the dv6700 have a sata or ide. I need to know which enclosure to buy.

Reply 1 : dv6700: SATA or IDE

Highly likely that the hard drive is SATA.

Reply 2 : dv6700: SATA or IDE

SATA, Same as the DV9700 series

How do I prevent Spam

Does anybody know how to control the enormous amount of spam that you recieve.

Reply 1 : How do I prevent Spam

1. Take a new e-mail address.
2. Tell all your friends, family and business relations. Your address book might be a good start for the selection.
3. Don't tell the spammers.
4. Repeat every 1 to 5 years, depending on how secret you keep it.


Reply 2 : How do I prevent Spam

also change it on all websites (like this one) where you use your email address to login.

Be sure not to delete your old mailadress until you're sure it isn't used by legitimate sender anymore. So be prepared to have to walk through all that spam once a month or so, until you're sure the old address isn't used anywhere anymore.


The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

Gonna use it for websurfing, youtube and watching HD Movies/TV Shows, no gaming at all.

And I need either one of them because I am going to continue Studying in france

What made me make this topic is that do I really need an i5? or Core 2 Due is sufficient for me?

Also integrated Intel HD or Discrete ATI or Nvidia is sufficent for me? (Don't want the computer to overheat even if it's for the price of the performance)

Also, T420s is a no-no for me, because it's gonna be above my budget (which is 1100$ maximum).

P.S. as you all know, I am so gonna future-proof it!

Reply 1 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

I don't see a problem with core 2 duo in the foreseeable future, but my T410s is pretty sweet . I think it's probably better if you go with the i5 T410s it's a good enough jump from core 2 duo to justify the upgrade. Core 2 Duo would be fine with what your doing, but why not get something better.

Reply 2 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

Before the X220 got released I was all set to get a T400s or T410s. For me it was a easy decision to go for the T400s. They both have the same screens, chassis and ports. So if you don't need the extra cpu power or graphics capability, it's a no brainer to get the T400s. Battery life is simply useless (for me) in the T410s. Sounds like the T400s is the right choice for you too (my usage matches exactly what you wrote) since the 4500MHD graphics can easily hardware accelerate (decode) all HD content, and the cpu can as well if you choose to do it through software decoding.

Reply 3 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

I like to buy as high as my budget allows I think a t400 might work but the t410 may be easier to resell if needed to upgrade laptops you know one generation old is easier to sell than two.

If you can get a t410s with a i5 or i7 you might be more future proof and get a solid three years of use out of it.

Reply 4 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

I've had both. I bought a T400s from the Microsoft store when the closed them out. It was a great deal but I couldn't stand the performance of the Intel integrated GPU. Returned it for that reason and a couple of others.

Last October I bought the T410s Optimus when I received a decent EPP discount. It's a great little machine. I love the form factor, weight, etc. It's plenty powerful and runs everything I throw at it.

I would buy the T410s with confidence. Enjoy.

Reply 5 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s


Originally Posted by graycolor
View Post

I don't see a problem with core 2 duo in the foreseeable future, but my T410s is pretty sweet . I think it's probably better if you go with the i5 T410s it's a good enough jump from core 2 duo to justify the upgrade. Core 2 Duo would be fine with what your doing, but why not get something better.

True that, but it's more like my usage versus the price, where T410s is still to expensive for my budget (Unless the new models and "possibly" the T420s is released).


Originally Posted by vinuneuro
View Post

Before the X220 got released I was all set to get a T400s or T410s. For me it was a easy decision to go for the T400s. They both have the same screens, chassis and ports. So if you don't need the extra cpu power or graphics capability, it's a no brainer to get the T400s. Battery life is simply useless (for me) in the T410s. Sounds like the T400s is the right choice for you too (my usage matches exactly what you wrote) since the 4500MHD graphics can easily hardware accelerate (decode) all HD content, and the cpu can as well if you choose to do it through software decoding.

We're on the same bandwagon .

It's because T400s is also cheap right now especially for a 1.5 years old Thin & Light model, which tend to be expensive and stays expensive for a while.

About the Display, I thought T410s use LED screen versus T400s using something else that's older technology (CTFL, CFLT don't really remember the abbreviation ).


Originally Posted by halobox
View Post

I've had both. I bought a T400s from the Microsoft store when the closed them out. It was a great deal but I couldn't stand the performance of the Intel integrated GPU. Returned it for that reason and a couple of others.

Last October I bought the T410s Optimus when I received a decent EPP discount. It's a great little machine. I love the form factor, weight, etc. It's plenty powerful and runs everything I throw at it.

I would buy the T410s with confidence. Enjoy.

Can you mention the other reasons you returned the T400s for?

I am so keen into Optimus looking at how it performs, but the main question here for you is: what's your main usage of the computer?

Reply 6 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s


Originally Posted by Pochi
View Post

Can you mention the other reasons you returned the T400s for?

I am so keen into Optimus looking at how it performs, but the main question here for you is: what's your main usage of the computer?

GPU performance was a significant downer on the t400s. It just felt sluggish especially considering all of the other ThinkPads I use for work. It was a significant step down from the t61p, t400, and w510 so I could really feel it when I knocked of work and used it for leisure.

The other issue was the t400s I received was supposed to have the 34mm ExpressCard slot. When it arrived, it was the stupid media card reader. That was a deal breaker.

Reply 7 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s


Originally Posted by halobox
View Post

GPU performance was a significant downer on the t400s. It just felt sluggish especially considering all of the other ThinkPads I use for work. It was a significant step down from the t61p, t400, and w510 so I could really feel it when I knocked of work and used it for leisure.

The other issue was the t400s I received was supposed to have the 34mm ExpressCard slot. When it arrived, it was the stupid media card reader. That was a deal breaker.

Sluggish performance is unacceptable.

But, what were you working at it? I bet some heavy graphical work.

Reply 8 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s

I have no trouble watching Blu-ray rips on my X200t with the LV Core 2 Duo and X4500. If that's the most demanding thing you're doing, then the T400s should be fine. If you want good performance, get a SSD and 4GB of memory. I'd vote for a X220 or a X20x with the AFFS mod. A good quality screen is probably a more tangible benefit than a iX CPU.

Reply 9 : The Final Countdown: T400s or T410s


Originally Posted by halobox
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The other issue was the t400s I received was supposed to have the 34mm ExpressCard slot. When it arrived, it was the stupid media card reader. That was a deal breaker.

the T400s/T410s media card reader comes out with a single screw from the inside.   once removed, you're left with a bare expresscard/34 slot.   the card reader FRU is nothing more than an expresscard adapter with an angled bezel to match the chassis profile.


Anybody know the specs on a CF-30EAQ04BM ?

The now almost useless configurator on the Panasonic site says it doesn't exist and neither the normal search function on this forum or the "improved" Google search string turns up anything.

Reply 1 : Cf-30eaq04bm

What the problem is this is one of them "Special order" one's which never showed up in the old config site eighter. The place I work at special ordered my CF-18 and will not show up on the config site....old or new one site.

Reply 2 : Cf-30eaq04bm


Originally Posted by Kardan
View Post

Anybody know the specs on a CF-30EAQ04BM ?

The now almost useless configurator on the Panasonic site says it doesn't exist and neither the normal search function on this forum or the "improved" Google search string turns up anything.

Used by US Air force. Its pretty basic one CF-30MK1 with an special option of smart card reader.


Reply 3 : Cf-30eaq04bm

Thanks everybody. From an old cached website also found out: touchscreen, Intel Centrino Duo Core Duo L2400 1.66GHz - 13.3" XGA - 512MB DDR2 SDRAM - 80GB - Gigabit Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth - Windows XP Professional - Magnesium Alloy.

Reply 4 : Cf-30eaq04bm

I always just call Toughbook Support...800 527 867 five...Got em on speed dial

Reply 5 : Cf-30eaq04bm


Originally Posted by ohlip
View Post

Used by US Air Force. Its pretty basic one CF-30 Mk1 with an special option of smart card reader.

Several years back the U.S. Air Force switched from password logon access to Common Access Card ("smartcard" military ID) system logon.

On our Dəll desktops we switched to the Dəll Smart Card Reader Keyboard.

Obviously, they have now integrated the smartcard reader into the laptops in place of the USB or PC Card readers we went to back then on the laptops.

Reply 6 : Cf-30eaq04bm

I have about fifty of those dell smart card keyboards, from govt auction, so if you want one, just let me know.

Reply 7 : Cf-30eaq04bm


Originally Posted by orphanlr
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I have about fifty of those dell smart card keyboards, from govt auction, so if you want one, just let me know.

I already have one of those; "Brand New-in-the-Box;" just to have one.

Reply 8 : Cf-30eaq04bm

They also make the military CAC reader in both a PCMCIA card and CardBus 54 format - you can just slide one into the appropriate slots on a CF-29 or 30. The PCMCIA versions are about $10 on eBay. The latest CardBus ones are about $30 new.

White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

It started with one, and now there are over 50 white dots on my DLP that was manufactured in April 2007. I called Samsung and they issued me a claim number. A few days later I received a call and they said that my model was not identified as one of the ones with the issue and I would basically have to pay for the repair myself (almost 1/2 the original cost of purchase).

What a disappointment with the Samsung product. I thought I would have a quality product for years after paying over $1,200 for a DLP Samsung TV, but it looks like all the DLP's in the Samsung line have the same issue after two to three years of service. Heck, my 13 inch $100 RCA has been in service for 10 years with out an issue.

Shame on you Samsung for not standing behind your name and fixing this obvious issue with all your DLP TV's. A company that doesn't admit that they have manufactured an inferior product, and takes corrective action to restore their name and the public's trust in their name/product, is not a company that I would ever do business with again. And I suspect that many of us experiencing Samsung's blatant disregard of the obvious truth will do the same.

It would be interesting to see if anyone high up from Samsung (are you listening Mr CEO) ever see's this post. As a company they need to restore the public's trust in the Samsung name and correct this issue with the owners of any and all DLP TV's.

I am totally disappointed and dissatisfied with Samsung and the product. And I will do my best to make sure every future potential consumer of a Samsung product that I come in contact with hears the deplorable truth of how Samsung has ignored this issue with all of the owner's of its DLP TV's.

Reply 1 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I have the same problem with my TV and have been searching the internet on how to fix it! My TV just started with this infection of white spots and I was hoping to find a way to fix it. This is very disappointing,finding out that a name brand like Samsung would put a product out with such a defect. Even if the rest of the TV is functioning,the screen is a very important component to a television and without one it's worthless!

Reply 2 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

StevenC296 and ron_e81,

Would you please post your transaction numbers from the call to service? If not, try again and if not, see if you can get a transaction number. While I can't authorize service, I'd like to have your case reviewed to see if there's something that can be done.


Reply 3 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I called call 1-800 SAMSUNG and spoke with a customer service rep. and her response was that my model was not on the list to be fixed for free. She asked me if I would like to pay for the repairs and I said yes, only if it wasn't to expensive to fix. Once I was transferred, the lady there was much more helpful and she said if the DMD chip (the cause for the white dots) was the problem its covered for a one time free of charge repair. I was able to make an appointment and a local TV repair technician changed my chip and my TV works fine now. However, my TV needed a chip with a larger window and I had to wait an extra day for my TV to be fixed. If its the wrong chip, the TV wont go full screen. Make sure the technician checks the new chip with the old chip to ensure the correct replacement. I guess you just have to speak with the right person? I hope this helps others. GO Raiders!

Reply 4 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Thanks for posting back.

I do apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm glad to hear the issue was resolved.


Reply 5 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Do you mind sharing what the cost was for that repair? Mine 1 white dot on my samsung hlt5076sx/xaa has just multiplied to 4 and I fear the worst is coming.

Reply 6 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Samsung repaired mine today for free.
It started with a couple dots then the whole
screen was white dots. Samsung sent a repairman out
and he put a new board in. Everything is ok The board
is about 1 inch *1 inch *1 inch. He said if I had to buy it
the cost would be $200.00 Good Luck.

Reply 7 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

My claim number back in 8/29/2010 was 3000618604. The TV now has well over 200 white dots on it. Back in August I im'ed with Victor K via Samsung Chat. At this point the TV is sitting idle because it it no longer enjoyable to watch anything on it.

Reply 8 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I have sent that up this morning to see if I can have your case reviewed.


Reply 9 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I called your customer support line yesterday and long story short they has scheduled someone to come out and fix it with out a cost to me.

Samsung is restoring my faith.

Reply 10 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Transaction # 2012954887

Im having the same white dots appearing on the left hand side of the screen. Started with one dot, now there are 4 dots.

Samsung support says it not a known issue and will not be repaired without cost. This is the second Samsung DLP TV that I have had start failing in the past 5 years. The first one had a line in the display... now dots. Im ready to give up on SAMSUNG TVs.


Reply 11 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

My HLT5676 began developing dots just like everyone else on this thread. Using the advice given by HDTech in the "Green Light" note, I called 800-SAMSUNG. First try the rep said my set wasn't covered; I got a transaction # and asked for a supervisor and was disconnected after a few minutes. As the Green Light note recommended, I called back to another rep who acknowledged that my set WAS covered! This rep set me up with a company called Complete Electronics. It took a week for Complete Electronics (Houston Area) to get the TI chip replacement and they came out and replaced it in about 30 minutes.

No more white dots!

Thanks HD Tech, thanks Samsung! I actually think this is something the company did not HAVE to do, but they did step up to the plate. I'm once again very pleased with my set.


Reply 12 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I also have about 16 white dots now, after seeing the first one about two weeks ago. I have called samsung but my model# is not on the list for free repair. To go out and spend $1700 on a tv thats lasts 3-4 years isn't cool.

Reply 13 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Too All with white dot problems

Today my problem was fixed.They set the appt. time 1-3pm. Tech called,said he was finished with his last appt. and could he come early. Arrived at 1230 and was gone by 1:15. Picture looks like new. Very satisfied.From the time I called Jan 30th to report my problem, fixed feb 7th. Samsung is alright in my book!

Reply 14 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Good Day,

I have this exact same issue started last week 1 dot then ....15 or now adding by the day all channels/sources. After reading this thread and many others. I called 1-800 and told I would have to pay to fix??
This looks and sound like same thing I really wish they would fix an obvious design flaw. This is not a $300 TV and to boot just replaced the bulb 3 mths ago.


Reply 15 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I'm sorry to hear that you're having this issue with your TV.

I've sent this over to service to have someone review your case - thanks for posting your number.


Reply 16 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Any Update on Customer Care ?

Reply 17 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Thanks HDTech !!!!

Executive Customer Server called today and setup a repair !!
They are coming to our home to repair.
Very thankful as we would have not been able to afford to repair.

I still have my first TV, a black and white over 40 years old.
It still works and in my Den, still enjoy it watch football.

Thanks Samsung for standing behind yours, (after a little nudge)

Reply 18 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

White Dots be gone !
Tech came today and replaced chip all Dots gone.
Then he did mention it sounded like Color Wheel was OTW out.

But hey for now I got by boob tube back,

Thanks HD Tech and Samsung !!

Reply 19 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I have the same issue. Started with 1 dot several weeks ago and now have 5 dots and multiplying on all channels/sources. I called the 800 number and was told that my number was not on the recall list was told I would have to pay to fix.

Case# 2012936872

Reply 20 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Samsung agreed to fix the problem. Technician came on Monday and put new component in and problem was solved. I believe the service company convinced Samsung to pay for the fix.

Reply 21 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


The info on this forum really helped. After 31 minutes on the phone with 1-800-SAMSUNG, I have a resolution I am OK with (not great, not OK).

When I spoke to the first line of customer service, they said the same thing most of you are saying--not covered, they will schedule you with a technician but you have to pay. However, they were very well aware of the issue--so much that the customer care rep was practically completing my sentences.

I then told them that I was following this issue on CNET and that others have reported having this issue fixed by Samsung for free. I also said I don't think it's fair that some TV's are covered while others aren't and I should get that info upfront when I purchase.

That got me elevated to the next tier of customer support called "Executive Customer Relations". The resolution they gave me is that I will still need to cover the technician's visit and SAMSUNG will cover the DMD chip (if that is the culprit).

Overall, both levels of customer support were very nice and a praise SAMSUNG for that. My cost is a 30 min phone call (a little long if you ask me), having to say the right things to get past level 1 customer care (which I think is insurance companies denying your claim the first time to see if you will pay it yourself) and the technician's service fee.

Hopefully the repair goes well. Good luck to the rest of you with multiplying white dots.

Reply 22 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

After contacting "Executive Customer Relations" on December 24, 2010 and speaking to Linda, they agreed to repair my Samsung television if there was a white dot problem. Otherwise I would be required to cover the cost of the repair. I sent her pictures of my white dot and she agreed it was the white dot problem but did not say the problem was covered by Samsung. In our conservation I was given the address of the repair company which was just a short distance from our home in Marietta, GA. I went to the address and found that it was a mail box at a UPS store. She sent me a repair number and I was contacted by Lakes Electronics from in Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954-749-8406) while traveling on Interstate 81 to Pennsylvania. The caller told me there would be a service charge of $79 if the chip they replaced did not fix the white dot problem. It appears I would be charged this fee because their repair person would make the decision as to what caused the white dot problem. If I do not agree to pay the fee they will not send a repair person to install the chip that causes the white dot problem. Paying the fee will not necessarily repair the white dot problem.

After returning from Pennsylvania, I contacted "Executive Customer Relations" and explained the situation and asked for a local repair service but was told there is no other and was given another repair number. Lakes called shortly to tell me they were out of the needed part but would call back when they had it. I received a call while on my way to California and was asked if the TV could be repaired on the next day. Since I would to be in California for a sometime, I asked for a repair date towards the middle of February. I was told that this was not possible and that I would need to contact "Executive Customer Relations" again for another repair number.

After returning from California, I contacted "Executive Customer Relations" and was given another repair ticket number. Today, February 18, 2011, in a conversation with Tiffany at Lakes Electronics I was again told there would be a fee of $79 if they determined the chip was not causing the white dot problem. I refused to agree to pay for a service charge for a repair setup by Samsung for the white dot problem. I was told that I would need to contact the "Executive Customer Relations" again for another repair number.

I called Samsung at (800) 522-7341 Ext.10554 again and received the message that they would call me at their earliest convince. It is nice that Samsung agrees to repair the White Dot Problem but the method is unacceptable.

Reply 23 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Take the 79 dollar gamble. While you can do what you want, it's a good offer considering the alternatives.

Reply 24 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I'm sorry to hear that you're having a problem getting a repair set up. In some cases, customers have noted either on the telephone or even here in the forums that they intend to attempt getting the television repaired under the white dot issue for other issues. Since the service center would not get reimbursed for a different repair than one that is authorized, they sometimes tell customers up front that there may be a trip charge so that those attempting to get the free repair would be dissuaded.

While I can't speak to any specific service related issue, I do know that this is sometimes the case, and is meant to protect the time and efforts of the repair company. That said, I would recommend contacting Samsung directly to make sure that this would qualify for a covered repair. If you do get charged, please post back and let me know, and I'll be happy to escalate it to the appropriate department.


Reply 25 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

I just found this tread. Is it any chance you might help me? I would REALLY appreciate it!
I have the same problem as an OP. My TV set started to develop "white dot" issue in the past month.

Here is the link to my original post.;forum-threads

My case number 4007933611

Thank you in advance!!!!

Reply 26 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA

Sight.....More dots appearing daily.......I was hoping to get some help from Samsung staff....

Reply 27 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


I have sent up a request to have your case reviewed as of this evening. I apologize for the delay in the response, but I have a few hundred posts in queue. I do appreciate your patience, and hope you'll keep me posted.


Reply 28 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Thank you very much for your assistance! Got the call from the Customer service and now TV is fixed. White dots are gone!

Thank you again!!!

Reply 29 : White Dots on HLT5076SX/XAA


Great news! I'm glad to hear that your DLP TV is up and running again.
